Prof Marcin Pawłowski

Head of Quantum Cybersecurity and Communications Group at the International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies, University of Gdańsk

Marcin Pawłowski obtained his PhD in physics at University of Gdańsk in 2010. Later he worked as a post-doc at University of Bristol from which he returned to Gdańsk in 2013 to start his own research group. Currently he is the head of Quantum Cybersecurity and Communication group at International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies. He is an author of 70+ papers with h-index 28 and 2800+ citations (according to Google Scholar). The topics range from foundational experiments, through quantum cryptography to machine learning. His work focuses on simplification of quantum algorithms to make them more efficient and realizable with simpler experimental setups. He is also a founder of two startup companies: QCG – which delivers comprehensive cryptographic solutions, and SeQure Quantum – which builds device independent random number generators.