Prof Marek Krośnicki

Director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics & Head of the Department of Atomic-Molecular Spectroscopy and Astrophysics at the University of Gdańsk

Marek Krośnicki is a university professor at the University of Gdańsk, where he serves as
the Head of the Division of Atomic-Molecular Spectroscopy and Astrophysics, and the
Director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics.
He specializes in quantum chemistry and molecular physics, focusing on the use of
computational methods and quantum mechanical models to study the properties,
interactions, and electronic structure of complex molecular systems, including solid
state crystals. His research is highly interdisciplinary, combining aspects of chemistry,
physics, and computational science to explore complex chemical phenomena at the
atomic level. He frequently collaborates with experimental groups. One of his recent
collaborations is related to the development of a nuclear clock.
Marek is also deeply involved in the education of the younger generation, including his
role as the father of two high school students. He has expressed concerns about the
current state of STEM education in schools, believing that there is significant room for